Supporting Solorrow
Spacenus was supporting our customer Solorrow at the event „Landwirtschaftliche Woche Südhessen“ in Gernsheim!
At the beginning of this year, January 2019, Spacenus attended the agricultural fair “Landwirtschaftliche Woche Südhessen” in Gernsheim together with our customer Solorrow. It started on the 28th of January and took place in the city hall of Gernsheim. The program was split into four different targets: Monday was the first day and therefore the opening day of the fair. Tuesday was all about the agricultural associations, Wednesday was the hessian vegetable day and the last day was about plant protection and tillage. According to the topic, every day was framed with/ in presentations and activities. More information and details about the program you find here (
The team of Solorrow was excited to present the “new” Solorrow with further features. With just a few clicks, Solorrow enables you to increase your field potential for farmland. The app utilizes satellite images from the last 5 years to analyze where agricultural fields grew how much biomass. By that, Solorrow can determine the field potential completely independent from crop type and the current growth phase of the plants. Check out the application here
Dietmar Schmidt, one of the co-founders of Solorrow and in addition farmer, introduced Solorrow to the audience. Besides the possibility to have an average review of the performance of your field of the last five years and application maps, one of the features Solorrow added, is a pdf-file, which shows an overview of the selected dose rates for the different field zones. Farmers can also use this file for documentation. More here
Dietmar Schmidt, “the farmer” between co-founders of Solorrow, presenting the new Solorrow
Spacenus was happy to contribute to this event. It was a fantastic opportunity to maintain contact with our partner farmers and establish new contacts. We are looking forward to developing further interesting and helpful contacts in cooperation with Solorrow.